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Latin Americans are a people who have suffered much. Brokenrelationships abound. Having been conquered by the Spaniards centuries ago, Catholicism is still the number one religion, and within the last 50 years Evangelicals have made strong inroads too, particularly in Central America. However, even with this strong religious landscape, many consider God asfar-off, inaccessible, and distant. Their relationship with God is broken. Their relationship with others is broken as well. While Latin America is very family oriented, sexual, verbal, physical abuse within the families is all too common. In Christian Camping International (CCI Latin America) we have discovered that at least half of the campers and their leaders have suffered some sort of abuse or abandonment. This causes their relationship with themselves to suffer as well. Many deal with guilt, shame and deep woundedness. Their broken relationship with nature is evident every time you follow a public bus and watch how much trash is thrown out the windows!

To expand CCI’s reach to encourage churches and parachurch ministries to use the tool of camping for evangelism and discipleship, we have formally established a publishing unit called New Pathway and now have a skilled and experienced team of writers, editors, and designers. Your support will help us create cutting edge resources to equip local church leaders to program Christ centered camps.

We're working on adding a giving method for Latin America: Sponsors for CCI writers

Please check back in soon.