Be part of gospel work happening across the world
We’re calling on 18-29 year olds who are passionate about cross-cultural kingdom work.
You don’t need to know multiple languages or have any special degree to apply. We’re looking for people who are hungry to experience new things, take on new challenges, grow their skills, and grow closer to the Lord.
The Avance program is characterized by Immersion, Incarnation and Innovation. Live with a host family, level up your Spanish skills, and serve in local ministries and churches under the mentorship of fun and experienced leaders. Ministry opportunities range across the themes of community development & justice, media & IT, ESL & teaching, medicine, sports, kids, & students, and local church outreach.
The Avance program is characterized by Immersion, Incarnation and Innovation. With the support of a mentoring Mesa Worker team, learn Spanish culture and language and work alongside a local church in discipleship and outreach or in youth mentorship.
Interns at the New Life Ministry Center in rural Bulesa meet spiritual and physical needs through discipleship, education, and agriculture. With the mentorship and support of the Mesa Worker team, build relationships with Ugandan co-workers and families in the village as you explore your calling in missions.
Interested in how God might be calling you to serve among unreached people? Learn alongside our Mesa Worker team and use your skills for disciple-making through medicine, business, education, and church planting.
Interested in how God might be calling you to serve among unreached people? Learn alongside our Mesa Worker team and use your skills for disciple-making through media ministry, business, and international school education.
Jump into local church ministry with both feet in post-Christian Britain. Join a community of like-minded believers, receive mentorship and training, and gain cross-cultural literacy to prepare you for a future in ministry. Learning and service opportunities include teaching, worship, evangelism and biblical counseling. Theological training is also a component of the 2-year program.
The Avance program is characterized by Immersion, Incarnation and Innovation. With the support of a mentoring Mesa Worker team, learn Thai culture and language and work under Thai leadership to grow your ministry skills. Serve as an urban advocate building relationships with women in the red-light districts (female position only), an urban educator working with children of migrant workers, or a young adult urban outreach worker investing in the lives of college students and young professionals.
Interested in how God might be calling you to serve among unreached people groups? Learn alongside our team experientially in a variety of ministry environments as we love and disciple refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants.

Plant in new cultures. Root in the gospel. Grow as a person.
Serve alongside Mesa Workers and receive coaching and mentoring as you discern your calling and develop your skills in the field.

Spiritual Formation
Receive mentoring as you learn to love God and others more deeply.

Personal Development
Receive coaching as you cultivate your giftings doing kingdom work.

Leadership Development
Grow your leadership with focused training and hands-on field experience.

Cross-Cultural Ministry
Learn how to build relationships and see the gospel in action across cultures.

Serve With Us
Let’s get you on your way
Our coaching team is ready to help you choose an opportunity, make a plan, and raise support.