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We are serving in Colombia with CCI Latin America.

We have two daughters, Nicole and Joanne, and we serve with Christian Camping International Latin America in Leadership Development and Discipleship. Our vision is to see every church in Latin America running camps that transform people's lives in Christ. Our strategy is to develop national networks and leadership resources in order for them to serve churches in their own context. Robert serves as the Executive Director for CCI Latin America investing time in shepherding each of the 10 national teams (Mexico, Central America and South America). Nina serves as International Instructor developing the next generation of camp leaders in the country of service.

Robert also serves as Regional Leader for Mesa Global for all of South America providing training, mentoring, coaching and spiritual formation as needed and desired. He also seeks to assist ministry partners and to develop growing, healthy relationships and ultimately seeing long-term ministry fruit.

  • That each CCI LA national team could continue developing leaders for local churches through our specialized curriculum and see people´s lives transformed.
  • For every Mesa Global missionary serving in South America; that they continue impacting many lives through their ministry and to be an influence in the Biblical foundation of the next generation of leaders.
  • For our family needs (health, finances, relationships) as we travel and equip many leaders in our region together.