Choose where your gift goes

Mesa Global Fund
Partner with us to equip churches and leaders who reach, serve, and love all people.
We believe the church can be a force for good in the world. We rise to the occasion to support churches, ministries, and their leaders from every angle. Gifts made to the Mesa Global Fund are tax deductible and used where most needed.
*Metrics are updated annually
We worked directly with local church planters around the world to plant 108 new churches with contextual and sustainable models.

Through education and training ministries

Through mercy, compassion, and development
While doing Jesus’ ministry together, our workers intentionally discipled 7,800 men and women. We build equipping into everything we do.
Ways to Give
Choose how you give
Online (Credit/Debit)
Give a one-time donation or a recurring gift automatically from your checking, savings, or credit/debit card account.
Non-Cash Gifts
To give mutual funds, stocks, and bonds, contact us at (704) 357-3355 for our routing and brokerage account information.
Legacy Gifts
Connect with our team to learn more about giving legacy gifts. Email us at:
By Check
Please make checks payable to “Mesa Global” and include the area you’d like to support in the memo line: “Mesa Global Fund” or the name of a workers or project.
U.S. Contributions
PO Box 602002
Charlotte, NC 28260-2002
Canadian contributions:
Please call (704) 357-3355
Other Ways to Give
To give through a donor advised fund or IRA distributions, please call (704) 357-3355 for more information.

Fund a Mesa Worker
Support a Missionary
Mesa Workers depend on the financial partnership of donors with a shared vision. Our global workers receive set salaries based on the local cost of living plus other costs such as health insurance. Investing here means directly supporting a global worker.

Make an impact where we live and work around the world
From training opportunities to local ministry projects, join us as we partner to advance transformative ministry.

Theological Education Consultants

Regional Training Hubs

Scholarships & Fellowships

Frequently Asked Questions
Give with confidence
Yes. All of these options are available online or you can mail us a commitment card with your first check to begin automatic giving from your checking or savings account.
To make changes to your donation either through credit card or through Electronic Funds Transfer, please log in to here and follow these steps:
- Enter your email address as your username
- Select the tab “Donations”
- If your donation does not show up under the Transaction Schedule, with a pending transaction date, widen the date search and click on “Search” again. Only pending transactions can be changed.
- Click the “Pencil” icon under “Action” of the pending transaction.
- Select “Edit” to change or “cancel” to end.
- Update your payment method under “Payment Information.”
- Click “I understand that I am editing my transaction.”
- Select “Submit.”
- Return to the donation tab to review changes.
Note: Changes under the tab “Accounts” do not change the banking or credit card info for the recurring donations already in process. The account section is only used to store the account numbers of various banks you may use.
Make your check payable to Mesa Global and be sure to include the commitment card or a note with the name of the Mesa Worker or project you wish to support and the corresponding account number (if known).
U.S. Contributions
Mesa Global
PO Box 602002
Charlotte, NC 28260-2002
Canadian contributions:
Please call (704) 357-3355
By selecting our paperless receipt option, you are helping us make every dollar count! Did you know that it costs about $1.00 to mail each receipt? Multiply that amount by each donation, and you can see how it adds up fast.
If you are ready to “go paperless,” please email
You can manage your donor profile on our website and update, or you can email our Donations Team at
Yes, a 3% fee is charged to the Mesa Worker’s account to cover the cost of credit card usage. We encourage donors to consider Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT), which is a direct transfer from your bank account to Mesa Global’s account that incurs a smaller fee: $0.30 for each transaction.
Yes. All donations to the ministry of Mesa Global and our Mesa Workers are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by applicable laws.
Yes. Simply indicate the purpose on your check or donate online here.
Mesa Global depends upon financial partnership with churches and donors that believe in and share in our mission. Our Mesa Workers are required to develop a team of churches and individuals that partner with them to provide their necessary prayer and financial support.
Each month Mesa Workers receive a set salary that is determined by an analysis of specific cost of living and ministry expense requirements in their context and role. Regardless of fluctuations in the amount of donations received they receive the same salary, provided the funds are available.
To give a personal, non tax-deductible gift to a Mesa Worker at Christmas time or other special occasions, make your check payable to Mesa Global and write “non tax deductible personal gift” on the memo line. Because it is a personal gift for the Mesa Worker, you will not receive a donation receipt from Mesa Global, and you will not be able to claim the gift as a contribution on your income tax return.
Yes, we often receive non-cash donations and gifts from donor advised funds and family foundations. Please contact us at (704)357-3355, and we will let you know what needs to be done.
All Mesa Workers are assessed a 13% administrative fee and projects are assessed a 10% administrative fee. These administrative fees enable us to provide financial and administrative services to each Mesa Worker and strengthen the ministry of Mesa Global through worker mobilization, training, and leadership.
Make Checks Payable to “United World Mission–Canada”
Canadian contributions should be mailed to:
UWM Canada
Box 602
Winkler Stn Main, MB R6W 4A4
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The future is bright when we all come around the table
Together, we’re moving closer and closer to a world of flourishing churches embodying Jesus’s love. We’re in it for the long term. And we’re in it for good.